What causes your tooth sensitivity?

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2019 - in Dental information

What causes your tooth sensitivity?

It can be frustrating – and, of course, downright painful – to have sensitive teeth. The mere thought of doing something as basic as chewing on a piece of ice can make you wince, as can drinking any sort of hot beverage. Why does this problem happen, and what can you do about it?


Why it Happens

The reason teeth become sensitive is usually that the roots of teeth become exposes, or the enamel on teeth becomes worn down. But it could be also due to a chipped tooth, a cavity or even gum disease. Getting to the dentist will be very important if you have sensitive teeth. Your dentist may examine you with an intraoral camera with screen or portable dental x ray machine. Then he or she will determine the reason for the problem and then come up with the best plan of action to treat it.


Special toothpaste –

Your dentist may recommend that you use desensitizing toothpaste.


Strengthening enamel –

Applying fluoride to your teeth could help with sensitivity.


Bonding resin –

If exposed roots are causing your teeth to be sensitive, a special type of bonding resin may help.


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